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Loan a Pony

Loaning is a great way to have the enjoyment of a horse without all the added responsibilities.


We offer Part Loans and have limited availability for Full Loans which aren’t available during peak season but will be considered in off-peak times. 


Enjoy all the benefits of your own horse or pony, without the commitment!

Loaning for childen and adults

We currently offer part loans on our horses which means riders can come 3 days a week of their choice to loan their pony. Riders must be a minimum grade 4 for us to consider a loan.


You will receive lesson tokens each month so you and your pony can continue to bond and progress. 


Our loan scheme isn’t just for children, we offer adult loans too and have a great community of adult riders.


Getting started...

All new loaners must attend a compulsory Introduction to loaning session.


This session is designed for all new loaners to help them fully understand the tasks involved within loaning such as: Handling horses and ponies, tacking up and untacking, Grooming, etc. 


This session is a great opportunity to ask as many questions as you need to, our friendly team who will be more than happy to assist you. 

Join the Bryerley Community

Your horse/pony will be used in riding lessons and a daily report is published, showing which horses are being used for lessons and at what times.


This is shared on the Liveries and Loaners Facebook page which is also a great platform for organising social events and hacks around the farm.

between a horses ears looking at the view
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